It all started, much to my parents' dismay, in Albany, NY, home to state workers, disobedient senators, Herman Melville, and me. The only child of English professors, I was MVP of my little league team two years in a row, spent eight years in an all-girl’s school, danced from the age of 4 to 16, and fell in love with theatre when I started taking acting classes at the regional repertory company housed in the impressive egg-shaped theatre in the heart of downtown.
I took a gap year before I knew what one was when I left for London after high school to perform in a new musical adaptation of The Snow Queen directed by Patricia Birch in the West End. When that run ended, I started my first year at Sarah Lawrence College. There, I spent my time studying nineteenth century English literature, learning the art of Intaglio printmaking, performing with the dance department, and being a real goody-two-shoes as a tour guide for the Admission Office.
I spent two years at The Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre here in New York, and since graduating, I have been busy performing with such theatres as The Ensemble Studio Theatre, The Irish Rep, Theatre for a New Audience, The Denver Center, The Alabama Shakespeare Festival, and NYMF.
I live in Brooklyn, not far from the New York harbor with my two cats, husband, Drew, and our little daughter, Alice. I have an Etsy shop, and my work can be found in shops and markets around Brooklyn, St. Louis, and Los Angeles.